The Canvas object is the DGui's rappresentation of a Device Context (Screen DC, Memory DC and Printer DC) $(DDOC_BLANKLINE) Note: Printer DC is not implemented
Specify the copy mode of a Bitmap
Enum that specify the draw border mode (used in a Canvas.drawEdge() call).
Enum that specify the border type (used in a Canvas.drawEdge() call).
Enum that contain the font style of a Font Object.
Enum that specify the fill mode of a gradient.
Enum that specify the style of a Hatch Brush object
Enum that contain the image type (useful in order to identify a Image object).
Enum that specify the style of a Pen object.
Enum that specify the style of a text alignment in a drawText() call
Enum that specify the style of a text in a drawText() call
Enum that specify the trimming of a text alignment in a drawText() call
It rappresentes a color of a bitmap.
This structure allows direct modification of a bitmap
A Color in ARGB format (compatible with COLORREF win32 type)
DGui project file.