1 /**
2  * Implements message box facilities.
3  */
4 module dguihub.messagebox;
6 import std.utf : toUTFz;
8 private import dguihub.core.winapi;
9 public import dguihub.core.dialogs.dialogresult;
11 ///
12 enum MsgBoxButtons : uint {
13    ok = MB_OK,
14    yesNo = MB_YESNO,
15    okCancel = MB_OKCANCEL,
16    retryCancel = MB_RETRYCANCEL,
17    yesNoCancel = MB_YESNOCANCEL,
18    abortRetryIgnore = MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE,
19 }
21 ///
22 enum MsgBoxIcons : uint {
23    ///
24    none = 0,
25    /**
26     * Icon with an exclamation point
27     */
28    warning = MB_ICONWARNING,
29    /**
30     * Icon with a lowercase letter i in a circle.
31     */
32    information = MB_ICONINFORMATION,
33    /**
34     * Icon with a question mark.
35     */
36    question = MB_ICONQUESTION,
37    error = MB_ICONERROR, ///Icon with a X letter.
39 }
41 /**
42  * Displays a message window which presents a message to the user.
43  */
44 final class MsgBox {
45    private this() {}
47    /**
48     * Shows a message box.
49     *
50     * Params:
51     *  title = The message title
52     *  text = The text to display in the message box
53     *  button = Specifies which buttons to display in the message box.
54     *  icon = Specifies which icon to display in the message box.
55     */
56    public static DialogResult show(string title, string text, MsgBoxButtons button, MsgBoxIcons icon) {
57       return cast(DialogResult)MessageBoxW(GetActiveWindow(),
58             toUTFz!(wchar*)(text), toUTFz!(wchar*)(title), button | icon);
59    }
61    /**
62     * Shows a message box.
63     *
64     * Params:
65     *  title = The message title
66     *  text = The text to display in the message box
67     *  button = Specifies which buttons to display in the message box.
68     */
69    public static DialogResult show(string title, string text, MsgBoxButtons button) {
70       return MsgBox.show(title, text, button, MsgBoxIcons.none);
71    }
73    /**
74     * Shows a message box with OK button.
75     *
76     * Params:
77     *  title = The message title
78     *  text = The text to display in the message box
79     *  icon = Specifies which icon to display in the message box.
80     */
81    public static DialogResult show(string title, string text, MsgBoxIcons icon) {
82       return MsgBox.show(title, text, MsgBoxButtons.ok, icon);
83    }
85    /**
86     * Shows a message box with OK button.
87     *
88     * Params:
89     *  title = The message title
90     *  text = The text to display in the message box
91     */
92    public static DialogResult show(string title, string text) {
93       return MsgBox.show(title, text, MsgBoxButtons.ok, MsgBoxIcons.none);
94    }
95 }